5 New Jailbreak Tweaks For iOS 9 To Check Out This Week

With new tweaks coming out daily, the Cydia jailbreak store can be a minefield of information, and not all of it is good.

Finding some of the best tweaks around can be a difficult feat for a chiselled veteran, so any new jailbreaker is always going to struggle with discovery. That’s where we come in.


Below, as the title suggests, are five different jailbreak tweaks that were recently released and are compatible with iOS 9 and that you might just want to check out.

Let’s get started.


Security can be a tricky thing to master, especially on something as important as an iPhone. We’re sure you already have nice, strong PINs and passcodes configured, but Callisto takes things in a different direction by automatically changing the iPhone’s passcode to be the same as the current system time. That means it will change constantly, in theory, keeping you more secure.

Callisto will cost you $1.49 and is available on the BigBoss repo.


Apple’s 3D Touch technology is great for peeping at photos and the like, but it’s also brilliant for accessing particular areas of an app by 3D Touching its Home screen icon. Brevis gives users complete control over how the items in that menu appears. The tweak allows users to modify many aspects of the 3D Touch shortcuts. Including font sizes, icon sizes, icon only option, optimization settings with more to come.

The tweak is available on the BigBoss repo for a dollar.


Keyboard shortcuts on steroids – that’s the best way of describing Molar. If you’re used to Mac OS X-style keyboard shortcuts, Molar will let you use them with the connected Bluetooth keyboard you use with iOS.

The tweak is hosted over at the BigBoss repository with a $1.99 pricetag.


Accidentally swiped on a message thread in Messages.app and deleted it? No, us neither, but if you do find yourself doing it all too often, MessageDeleteConfirmer will pop a confirmation dialog up in order to make you think twice. That’s about it. Simple, but effective.

The tweak is free and can be found under the BigBoss repo.


Ever wondered just how much space your apps are taking up but don’t want to venture into the Settings app to find out? FAppSize will add a 3D Touch menu to all app icons, showing you just how large an app is.

FAppSize is available for free on the BigBoss repo.

So there you have it – five recently released jailbreak tweaks that you can check out this week. Give them a try, and happy jailbreak tweaking!

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